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Christian Brito

Graphic Designer


917 628 7193



New York City

New Jersey

A Bit About Me

My name is Christian William Brito, born and raised in the magic city, Miami Florida, one of the 3 main art deco hubs in the United States. It was perhaps my exposure to the sharp angles, the precise geometric precision, ornate embellishments and golden accents, that are synonymous with the art deco style, that spawned my passion for the arts. 


In 2003 my family and I moved to one of the most colorful boroughs of New York – the one referred to as the Bronx. Although, at the time, I was not all that happy about the move I now realize that the change was instrumental in my development not only as a professional in the field of graphic design but also a human.


Over the years my interests have morphed from simple doodles to include intricate patterns, elaborate drawings and typography. Looking back, New York City has had a considerable impact in that development. The extensive collections of the ‘Metropolitan Museum of Art’ and ‘The Guggenheim Museum’, and others, over the years have been a source of inspiration that has fed my artistic appetite and as such they have been a great source of inspiration.

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